Digital Creators
For Christ
Using Digital and Physical Engagement to Reach the World for Christ!

Our Mission
Digital Creators for Christ (DC4C) is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ through live streaming and social media platforms. DC4C fosters a positive and inclusive online community; offering support, encouragement, and inspiration to those leveraging their digital influence to share the Gospel. Through engaging and interactive content, DC4C addresses the needs and concerns of its communities while empowering others to do the same.

Our Vision
Our Vision is to spread hope and healing globally through the transformative power of Christ's love, utilizing interactive technology such as gaming, chatting, and social media platforms.

Our Commitment
We are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) through interactive technologies. We strive to represent Jesus Christ faithfully and fully, believing that every realm inhabited by His people should reflect His presence. We are dedicated to speaking truth with love, spreading the gospel message, and nurturing discipleship among all nations.