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Using Digital and Physical Engagement to Reach the World for Christ!


Our Mission

Digital Creators for Christ (DC4C) is a non-profit organization committed to reaching people for Christ through the use of live streaming and social media. Our mission is to spread the love and teachings of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible regardless of their location, by all means necessary, digital and physical. 

We aim to create a positive and inclusive online community that offers support, encouragement, and inspiration to all who seek to know more about Christ and empower others to do the same. Through our affiliates and agents, we provide engaging and interactive content that speaks to the needs and concerns of our viewers.

Our Vision

Our goal is to be a source of hope and healing for individuals and communities around the world. Everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the transformative power of Christ’s love, and we are committed to making this a reality through our innovative use of technology and social media.

In all that we do, we strive to magnify Christ and serve others with humility, compassion, and authenticity. We are dedicated to building a community that reflects the love and grace of Christ in all things.

Our Commitment

We are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) within the unique space of online gaming and digital content creation. We are fully committed to seeing Jesus Christ represented faithfully and fully within these spaces because we believe that the Triune God deserves to be represented in all spaces that His people inhabit. We are dedicated to speaking truth in love, spreading the gospel message, and making disciples of all nations.

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