Digital Creators
For Christ
LIFELINE was born for anyone who desires to carry out the Great Commission in the digital space. If you are a disciple of Jesus, fully understanding the importance of living out the Great Commission, you are invited to participate!
Encourage, equip, and edify believers that carry out the Great Commission in the digital space.

Provide a collaborative environment to further ideas, creativity, and collaboration​
Motivate growth, quality improvements, and new content
Offer support and connection to ensure consistent and healthy streamers/content creators

Provide check-ins for content, stream, emotional health, and spiritual health
Strategize with creators to leverage relationships, style, and content to effectively evangelize and/or disciple viewers
Leverage digital connections to further the Gospel

Disciple content creators and streamers in biblical understanding, theology, and missiology
Provide a united front to the carrying out of the Great Commission
Participants Tiers
We offer two tiers (with a third coming soon) of participation that are application based.

