Digital Creators
For Christ

We are here to expand the Gospel into the newest frontier, E-Sports! For an in-depth look into what we are about, go to www.asalways.org. We are also live on Facebook and Youtube, so be sure to drop follows and subscriptions on those channels so that we can reach a wider sphere of influence! Thanks!

Howdy y’all, I'm a Man of God, I ❤️-✝️🙏🏽⛪️, farming, Sunday School teacher, A FULLTIME Streamer!!!- I mod for 50+ Christian Creators, I play a ton of games, Remember rules KICK-Keep It Clean Kids this is a family friendly stream!! Let’s talk and have fun together! Any support appreciated!

This channel was created with a single purpose: Empowering young men and women with the truth of God's Word, equipping them to fulfill their greatest potential, and bolstering them overcome any storms life may throw their way. Through the Bible, games, dad jokes, fun, and fellowship.

Sporting a flat cap since 7th grade, never one to want to blend in to the crowd. Married for 30+ yrs w/ 3 kids. Finding joy in investing & serving others is a passion. This may take place on a mission trip, helping kids to get a bike, mentoring others, or coaching state champions wrestlers or XC.

Full-time Man of God, Part-time streamer. I have 3 kiddos and a wonderfully supportive Wife. Working to bring Positivity and Unity to Gaming; I believe that Gaming and Life are better together. We here follow a simple way of living that is summed up in a single verse. Joshua 24:15

WHAT IS MY NAME: Cali, Cal, Coach, Supa. Former 2 sport collegiate athlete/Coach of Strength&Conditioning, Football, and Track&Field. PUP: Sanka. WHAT DO I STREAM? All kinds of stuff! WHY DO I STREAM? Because I am unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I want to share it with everyone!